Camille Schrier is Her Royal Scientist™, providing exciting STEM outreach for students across the country...with a little added sparkle! An honors graduate from Virginia Tech with two Bachelor of Science degrees in Biochemistry and Systems Biology, Camille’s message that “science really is all around us” provides fresh and engaging STEM education and activities for students while simultaneously imprinting for young women that “if I can see it, I can be it”, while normalizing for young men the image of powerful females in science roles. Now as “Her Royal Scientist™” Camille models that women in STEM can embrace their feminine side as well as their inner science nerd, and that scientists can wear crowns too!
Her Royal Scientist is excited to have recently collaborated with COSI, the #1 science center in the country to create Her Royal Scientist COSI “Learning Lunchboxes” and “COSI Connects kits”! Each kit contains 6 STEM demonstrations geared toward grades K-8 (but can be enjoyed by all). Activities range from creating chromatography flowers and paper rockets to a miniature elephant’s toothpaste reaction! The kits are complete with all materials needed for the contained activities, and meet national Next Generation Science Standards.

Science is for everyone, yet not all students have access to resources to stimulate their curiosity and knowledge around STEM subjects. To address this barrier, The Her Royal Scientist “Learning Lunchboxes” are specifically created and funded for distribution to students in underserved communities alongside existing food distribution, with the goal to not only feed hungry lives, but also hungry minds. The Her Royal Scientist “Learning Lunchbox” contains identical contents to it’s retail counterpart, the Her Royal Scientist “COSI Connects Kit”.

Looking for science activities to complete at home with your children, in the classroom with your students, or just looking to learn more about the world around us? Camille's virtual science tutorials will walk you through science concepts with fun activities - some you can try at home!
Changing the future of STEM by normalizing women in science roles for both boys and girls, Camille is passionate about inspiring our youth to empower themselves and follow their unique interests both in and outside of the realm of science. Camille is ready to take over your classroom for a unique, safe and hands-on experience your students won't forget!
Are you a real-life STEM queen? We want to share your story!
Send the following info to info@CamilleSchrier.com with the subject "STEM QUEEN" to be featured on our social channels!

Education (School, Degree(s), graduation year, any certifications)
Current position (position, organization, time in role)
Describe your current role and what you love about it!
When did you realize that you wanted to pursue STEM as a career?
What made you passionate about the field of STEM you chose to pursue?
Did you have a mentor who shaped your STEM experience?
Anything else you want to include!
Include 1-5 images: (1) headshot & up to 4 images of you working/in action